Sunday, February 28, 2010



Designing Website Layout

1. Create a new document in Photoshop and set width and
height to 1024 pixels x 768 pixels with white background.

2. For the banner column, draw a rectangle with size
1024 pixels x 125 pixels by using Rounded Rectangle Tool.

3. For icon column, draw a rectangle with size 55 pixels x 40 pixels
by using Rounded Rectangle Tool.

4. Repeat step 5 for another 8 icons.

5. For calendar column, click on Add Layer icon in the Layers panel.
By using Rounded Rectangle Tool, make the column with size
200 pixels x 200 pixels.

6. For contact us column, same as Step 7 but the column size is
200 pixels x 125 pixels.

7. For content area column, using rectangular tool and the column size is
600 pixels x 520 pixels.

8. For picture column, same as Step 7 but the column size is
170 pixels x 215 pixels.

9. For visitor column, same as Step 7 but the column size is
170 pixels x 69 pixels.

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